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TTR500 矢量网络分析仪
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WW Spectrum Allocationss poster
A wall chart featuring featuring spectrum allocationss across the world. Updated 2014
6G Technology at Wuppertal University Case Study
This case study describes a project being conducted as part of a research program led by Prof. Dr. Ullrich Pfeiffer of Wuppertal University. The project aims to develop higher performing THz …
6G Wuppertal University Case Study
This case study describes a project being conducted as part of a research program led by Prof. Dr. Ullrich Pfeiffer of Wuppertal University. The project aims to develop higher performing THz …
发现 (信号故障,问题) 是描述、诊断、了解和解决随时间变化的信号相关问题的第一步。随着越来越多的信道涌入有限可用带宽中,新应用采用无线传输,和RF系统变成基于数字的系统,工程师需要更好的工具,找到和理解复杂的行为和相互的影响。米乐m6网页版登录入口实时频谱分析仪(RTSA)采用数字荧光技术或叫做DPXTM,可以揭示传统频谱分析仪和矢量信号分析仪会完全漏掉的信号细节。全面运动的DPX 频谱的实时RF …
5G NR Multi-Channel System Troubleshooting
5G systems rely on a combination of digital, analog and RF signals. Being able to analyze signals across multiple domains is critical to finding interference, glitches, spurs, drop-outs, and other …
Overcoming 3 Key Challenges of Time- and Frequency-Correlated RF Measurements
Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers (RTSAs) capture and store signals as a seamless, continuous record of time. Combining deep memory with powerful digital signal processing, RTSAs allow for a …
Optimizing Frequency Settling Time Measurements
Frequency settling time is an essential measurement in the design and evalsuation of RF synthesizers, programmable oscillators, phase locked loop circuits, and more. This technical brief highlights the …
Cable and Antenna Measurements Using Tektronix USB Spectrum Analyzers
This application note looks at the basics of line sweeping measurements on cable and antenna systems, including a look at why they are important and how to perform them.
Automotive EMI/EMC Pre-compliance Tests
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) regulations are in place throughout the world to provide improved reliability and safety for users of electrical and electronic …
Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems and Remote/Passive Keyless Entry
Today, more sophisticated and sensitive RF electronic components and devices are being included in automobiless. These advances have resulted in much safer, efficient, and connected vehicles. They have …
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Conquering Radar Signal Generation
What are the challenges related to the creation and generation of complex radar signals and what are the tools to help make this task more efficient? Gain these insights and learn how to avoid common …
6 Things to Consider when Choosing your Wireless RF Module
In the fast growing wireless design and Internet of Things market, the importance of choosing the right wireless RF module is vital to your design and overall company’s success.In this webinar, you …